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And since it isn't finished, it'll probably never be.
Not sure how bloggers can say it doesn't take long to write. I just spent an hour putting together an incoherent mess of a post. Frustrated.
@KielEWyote I'm good. No, I haven't heard anything from Outreach. Got your Twitter info from @indychristian.
@footndale If HD used AA batteries, I'd be all over it. Built-in rechargeable doesn't work for me: I don't remember to charge ahead of time.
@Hazewalker Kids know the best teams when they see them: Badgers and Packers. My kids are smart enough to stand up against the peer pressure
RT @problogger (I'm surprised how many iPhone tips I didn't know.)
@Hazewalker uhh... Their home team IS the Packers. Vote early, vote often!
I put the kids on a restricted tv diet (I was using it as a babysitter). They have taken it pretty well; less complaining than I thought.
My wife reads her email under my windows profile... I just read hers not realizing I wasn't logged in. In other news, her email is boring.
@ellen5e The HD flip? I have the regular, so I couldn't give @footndale any feedback. Not sure why he's asking.
The Wife is stalking me on Twitter. She won't sign up, instead she just reads my page to see what I tweet.
RT @footndale: Anyone using the Flip HD cameara?
@Hazewalker And a PACKERs Chunky group too, right? Right?!?!
Twitterverse: What groups have you created in TweetDeck?
@ScottWilder Yeah, I thought I needed software, but apparently XP and Vista can talk to the camera natively.
@KielEWyote I used to do that in my college days. Much harder to do with kids running around.
Looking for recommendations for getting video off my Digital-8 video camera (has Firewire). What app should I use (Windows XP)?
Mike's Car Wash is open, just in case your car didn't get wet enough in the ALL DAY RAIN!!!
Elementary school orchestra and band teachers should be sainted.


Dan Cederholm Chris Brogan Garrett Dimon Paul Boag Douglas Karr Ryan Carson rands Cameron Moll Hugh MacLeod Noah Jeffrey Zeldman Sterling Anderson Michael L. Ma.gnolia Scott Koon Mike Gunderloy Phil Haack JC-209 Scott Wilder "." Intellagirl Kevin Makice Jeff Pope Mike Rohde Jared M. Spool Jason Rutherford Scott Sigler Dave Seah OpenSkyMedia Darren Rowse Wil Wheaton Corrie Haffly Bob Walsh Ian Landsman Ed Illig
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