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Taking something known & turning it upside down - Circuit Bending - Expand your medium
Sams Club: Flip video mino $144.88 - Just sayin
Awake, Needing water soaked in eViL.
OH: "Im going to puke up in a minute" in response to the iPhone Cube shooter game. LMAO
@charlestrippy Beers at the Wiregrass Brass Tap tonite, Sir?
Going to be at our new SpeakEasy in Wesley Chapel tonite, Brass Tap, if any of my N Tampa peeps are interested.
#TopTweeple @madrobby (aka Thomas Fuchs) - Ajax pioneer, author of, and core developer of Prototype and Ruby on Rails
Commenting on this Mashable article :
RT @STP: "celtics” isnt automatically reference to sports team. There's an entire ethnic group of people who had that name before basketball...
@zachklein Needs a couch for his Intern to crash on in SF; LUCKILY, You can always count on the interwebs: :-P
@incslinger There are certainly issues in monitoring Followers. As Ive found the hard way with my @TweepleTwak project, keeping it in Alpha
@STP (Steve Poland) has legit beef w/ Twitter over his revoked "celtics" account - "Im calling bullshit on you right now"
Feeling uninspired and a bit angry today akshully
Stuck in My Head: "Creative strategies can get brands in front of audiences that were previously unreachable" - @AdamBroitman
@davidalston @berniebay Or, a random glitch in the matrix and/or the Twitter Cluster. #TweepleTwak
@kevinrose I SERIOUSLY doubt your 80k followers are seeking Snoop Dogg YouTube videos that have already made their way around mainstream TV+
@davejmatthews #TopTweeple - Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter, the Dave Matthews Band -
@pud I found the perfect t-shirt for you: :-P
@timoreilly's Twitter Profile is now on his Wikipedia Page - Founder of O'Reilly Media #TopTweeple


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Jason Goldman veen Noah Matt Galligan seanbonner Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Tim Kersey Jon Gales Scott Beale Matthew Eber Aubrey Sabala Brett Petersel Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Glenda Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Alex Rudloff Veronica Belmont Jim Long Emily Chang Brian Solis Patrick Haney Zach Klein  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman  Chris Heuer Mickipedia
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