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@luke_bkk what specifically has gone wrong? I spent a bunch of time improving it for 1.0.6. I'd love to improve it more for 1.0.7.
@batkin w00t. Mature languages ftw!
@cbartlett thanks! I've been thinking about this for a while and I really think the whole thing is a sign of Ruby maturity :)
@mcnamarabrian thanks. I definitely agree. No reason Rails and Merb can't coexist in a strong Ruby ecosystem.
Rails and Merb are good for Ruby:
Rails metal demonstrates the power of Rack. It's great to see the Rails team embracing Rack's clean interface and the benefits it provides.
@michael_jones What specifically is troubling you? I'd be curious to know what we're doing to make you so frustrated.
merb 1.0.6 released. Full announcement at New bundler and other bugfixes!
thank you @merbjedi for helping me straighten out the new Merb bundler. Your contribution to merb 1.0.6 is greatly appreciated!
@ezmobius :P I used alias, not a_m_c, and unfortunately rubygems doesn't have a solid API. Some patches to rubygems are forthcoming :)
@jmhodges if you file a ticket in the 1.0.x series we'll get that fixed
@Oshuma you're using the resource helper wrong. It's resource(@user, @persona).
@1337p337 what specifically are you referring to? Let's get that fixed!
@gustinp please ping me on freenode or gtalk; I'd be happy to help you figure out how to integrate your templater with merb. :)
Midnight screening of Stardust foiled by a mid-movie speaker blowout in the theater. Lame.
thor now supports directory bundles (like OSX bundles). Simply name a directory *.thor, and supply a main.thor inside. To be released soon!!
@nitsujw it also works for downgrades... that was the hard part ;)
And the fallback to system-gems logic has fallen under my sword as well!


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