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@aarjav i've got a wall of Wodehouse thanks to @sudish, but every time I read a cricket section I suffer from nonsense-induced amnesia.
@aliharwell "I say, do any blokes write Javascript AIR apps, or is it effectively just bloody Flex-on-the-desktop, what what old boy?"
does anybody write Javascript AIR apps, or is it effectively just Flex-on-the-desktop?
What's the point of asking "will you do something for me?" but being offended when I say "depends on what it is". are you asking or telling?
you would not believe how hard I am rocking the paperwork today. i am on a bureaucratic bender.
This is what you get when you elect a governor who looks like Dennis the Menace.
@chesterfly I had a dog who went through that. she' and if they offer you the bucket of removed stuff, say NO THANKS.
@realien you make flex sound like an uphill battle. is it always that bad?
I love the guys who wear suits to traffic court. Like flying, there was a time when it was a pastime of only the rich and glamorous.
blagojevich deserves to be put *under* the jail. lord, please protect Obama from his own party, amen.
@aliharwell who do? you do. do what? remind me of the babe!
@chesterfly it's not all crap on, but the real value's in the older stuff. Forbidden Planet forever!
lala musicmover was eating all my upstream bandwidth. application of the low pri QoS-queue to solved it.
@Urvaksh everybody i've talked to since "retiring" has said "lots of opportunity coming a few months". we'll see.
@sudish in more bad math, that's "100%" more music you can access from the web than you had before. i've never gotten blocked @ >> ......
speaking of Wii's: RT @mannyblum: Wii's at if you need them!
@subjugate i get a notification every few days. if you want a fit, definitely sign up for the text messages.
@aarjav sold out in 10-15 minutes. I have seen it until 5-10 minutes after the announced for every time it texted availability.
Wii Fit in stock @ today at 1pm Eastern. last time they were actually avail 10-15 min before announced time.


Coty Rosenblath Michael Ivey Lance Weatherby Sandy Stephen Fleming Calvin Yu Cowmix DeWitt Jeff Haynie Michael Mealling Jon 'That One' Lee Peter Bault Dave Troy Bryan Bartow Mike Schinkel Barack Obama Dave Nelson Shelby Highsmith J. Cornelius Tim Bray Tim Farley T Hamrick Remember The Milk Hamed Hashemi Tejus Parikh Sudish Joseph aarjav Wayt EarthLink Dan Greenfield why the lucky stiff Eric Litman Mike Strutton Jim Anderson jeff pabian Brock Whitten
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