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@seanpaune I know w NASCAR if the race went other ABC flipped it to ESPN not to back up shows
@nitallica you're smarter than me and now I don't feel bad I can't figure it out either
Corrine is bitch
@seanpaune I agree ... ABC and NBC can do it why not CBS?
OMG!!!! Buttoning it
I wish John McCain would just shut up and go over to the Dems and just be done with it!
@seanpaune Bravo for your CBS post screwing up Sunday night viewing 'cause of football!
Yeah! No more Kenny!
Survivor: plz vote Kenny out PLZ!
Survivor: Yeah Bob!! Now get rid of Kenny
Survivor: Oh Kenny keep thinking Sugar's on your side :)
@constantreader Wow those look amazing! (Btw I know what a real buckeye looks like )
Time for Survivor finally!!
@ChrisGrewe I wasn't sure really. I know different gas mixtures have to be made for each state, was wondering if the cars were the same.
Is another reason the Big 3 are failing is all the regulations they have to adhere to for different states also part of the problem?
Watching General Hospital on SoapNet. The SGM(r) is hunting.
@penguinponders I hear he laughed it off by saying something about it being a size 10. Hee hee


Stacy Sean Aune Kathleen Weaver Nicki Faulk Eric Lee GOPLeader  Alli Worthington caoilfhionn1 Leanne Wildermuth c.a. Marks conbelle rightwingsparkle Clayton Morris johnculberson foxandfriends penguinponders Christine Dohm For  Sarah Palin Digital Bliss ReformedLiberal BlogsAbout LuxuryMutt CREEativeRight Blogs For Victory