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@aj_wood I would take it off!!! I hate it when people are rude! It's the fastest way to boil my blood!!!! >:(
@aj_wood And who is Jeff? That was totally rude! I hope he is a friend of yours otherwise I may have to harm him in some sort of brutal way.
@aj_wood you trickster! :P Totally had me fooled.
@aj_wood do me a fave and kill that first comment - lol.. I'm such a spaz sometimes <rolls eyes @ self>
@aj_wood shoot! I finally commented and I messed it up! I thought the two images on the left were before and the 2 right were after! <doh!>
@aj_wood Oh I'm sorry - you mean the world does NOT revolve around me??? <gasp> Sorry babe.. I'm on it!!! ;)
New blog post: Product Review - Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
For those of you with Wii systems - DO NOT BUY ANIMAL CROSSING! Seriously, you will do nothing else but play it!!! so addicting... >.<
@macwebdiva OMG That is awesome!! :D and I can see my avatar too! :D How fun is that?!
@mitzs yes it does and that is one of the main reasons why I use it. ;)
@Peachpit Yes. I would. But I'm nuts so I would probably wear them at the tradeshow without the iPhone. :D
@Lisa_Sage five of each sounds like a lot to me - but I know very little of the gallery life
Thanks everyone for the tips on how to deal with food poisoning. Still not feeling all that great but I think I'm through the worst of it.
@NAPP_News 18 of my real name - but only ONE Firggy :D And that's me! :D
I am so totally sick with food poisoning <turns green>
@NAPP_News to quote my favorite sea turtle - "You so totally rock dude!" :D
@NAPP_News LOL! Sorry about that. You could always make my site your news story and kill two birds with one stone. :D
@LayersTV_RC ROFL! Thanks RC - now everyone is gonna think I have dependency issues!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
@aj_wood @LaFemCreative Is there such a thing as a Freelance Designer's Union? I'm starting to think that there should be..
@LaFemCreative 3) are maintaining the overall "slacker" mentality and stereotype?


Scott Beale kate Melissa rands Bryan Veloso Susanna King Josh Kendall Thomas Fitzgerald Matt Millard Tom Callaway Wil Wheaton David Cooley Liz Strauss Black Star dizzle Navdeep Raj chris sembrot Chris Harrison Lola Granola Dee Sadler LesaKing Kevin D. Boutelle Peachpit KeithBurtis Justin Seeley Andy Sernovitz Mark J Carter Zach Holman JasonAnderson Tim R Krazy E thinkgeek curtismchale AprilAndrews nimowy Kristine Putt
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