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@theinspiredroom NO way to fail at #cwtu ! Just come as you are woman, it will be fun. Working hard this time not to get booted off!
RT @MomMaven: just noticed I am 10 followers away from 500. I think I can get there today!! Please help me. #cwtu Help a Girl out!
@theinspiredroom HA! Too funny, Make sure you hit our TweetGrid page! to help you!
@carolynstrong yes, I would love if all used their First name at least. I am TakeRoot but my name comes up too. Not so many realize 2do that
@Mels_World House is 4000 sqft w/4bathrooms, Its just me & my girlie @ home to school & clean. Have black tile, NEVER get black tile! :-)
@theinspiredroom Seriously the do not be worried! ITs just a bunch of Christian Gals talking thru tweets! No pressure. #cwtu is so new too!
@TraciKnoppe ANd! What a great new site you are doing to help others get their blogs set up! Love it!
@TraciKnoppe LUV hearing your voice! Isnt that fun. Was going 2make TD tutorial! Have u tried BlipTV 2 upload vids? Great 2make full screen
@WinnieP Back off woman!!! --> ha, someone reads that &thinks, man, whats up! 2funny. But BAck Off! Take Care of yourself, all else c ......
@tweetgrid Love the new look! And woop woo, my vid is there :-) Awesome place to advertise!
@beautysecrets1 Enjoy the hubby! Pop in if you can. My hubby is w/the guys every Monday nite, so its just the girls for me on Mondays!
@theinspiredroom Good morning back to you! Hope your week away was a good one! Ready for tonight? #cwtu
Trying to follow back some of my followers! Bio's r SOOO important. @mathvids How in the world did you get your pic so big! Cracking up!
#CWTU Christian Women Tweet-Up: TONITE! @ 9pm EST. Join us for fun & free stuff! RU signed up on Mr Linky?
@michaelpleahy Would love to see all #TCOT put in bio's on twitter, SOOO easy to follow all back thru Twitter Karma
@jyl_mommygossip @mommaof4wife2r Too funny, I have her (your) blog open jammin with your tunes! Couldn't figure out where was coming from!
@PPureIndulgence Can Daily Intentions be plural? lol, added w/a little flexibility.
@Monkeygiggles Yes, it always works out.. not always like I want it, but none the less, He's in control! For sure find my peace in that!
@mommaof4wife2r Just read your #gno Random act of Kindness post. Loved it and your blog! Blessings to you!
@jyl_mommygossip What an awesome random act of Kindness #gno Love it, I will cry reading through all of them! What a great blog too!


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