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whoooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo
@noodlepie yes I did. Will work through it asap. And just posted a happy Xmas pic - just for your Ebeneezer Pieboy.
@noodlepie Voices of Genocide Prevention sounds like fun.
@noodlepie when cameroon internet becomes overloaded they just turn off the download facilities. No podcasts for a month now :o(
The Godfathers - should have been bigger than..well, most. This is their best. ♫
@noodlepie You listen to The Word podcast? Love it. It's a bit Dadish at times but always think Mark Ellen is a great broadcaster.
Lots of shouting along the hall - guessing it's way more trivial than it sounds. Cameroonian arguments scare me.
@billzimmerman Thanks. right - I saw a pic of peace corps with lots bald looking chicken and presumed. I shall amend the blog post.
@flicksta congrats. I have a theory that Hotmail want customers to leave. No other reason why they would make it so unuseable.
Oh the excitement - COPAAP now has its own Flickr page expect more pics when I talk a colleague through uploading
@JTownend must do you head in having an application that relies on Twitter working. Still fail whale is less conspicious these days.
@billzimmerman - do Peace Corps have lessons in killing/preparing chickens?
Blur reforming? Looks like I left UK just in time. Will hopefully miss all that Cor Blimey Governer crap. And Damon Albarn - what a nob.
Wish VSO had something similar to this Peace Corps micro finance tool:
@JTownend mine won't let me log in for some reason -Using Tweetdeck today. Makes me feel like Capt. James T Kirk. Tweets at warp factor 9
New Blog Post: Killing chickens in Cameroon (I can't do it)
But for a few minutes back there - both Arsenal and Man U stubbled before progressing in the Champions League
ah they changed it already
excellent spelling mistake on the front page of the Gruaidan right now
Ha. You need a photocopier and nothing says Christmas like Nat King Cole - sucker for Bing and Bowie's Little Drummer Boy


Mirona Iliescu Pat Duncan Stephen Euan Semple Matthew Cashmore Mike Butcher Neil McIntosh Graham Holliday Peter Bowyer Adam Tinworth Darren Waters Robert Jones Mr Anderson technokitten Philippe Jennifer Pahlka Martin Stabe Jemima Kiss Meri Emma Wallace Tom van Aardt Paul Bradshaw richard sambrook Georgia Popplewell Bijan Jon Jacob Nic Price Paul McNally Jen Simon Doggett Steve Bridger Michaela Hackner Gina Cardazone Alberto Nardelli Leanne Johnson
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