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Stopped watching Goal 2 as it was garbage. Now heading out to eat some chicken tikka masala that I know won't be garbage.
Watching Goal 2 - finally. Has anyone else seen it?
More information on the heroes that are being visited by the Jagriti Yatra train. Prepare to be inspired.
The snow looks much deeper when you're actually standing in it than from three floors up
@robinsloan I have been presenting workshops at Bake Middle School. Not so much Monty Python there though :)
@jerrytcher I'd like to hear what you find out about the speakers.
@emma_academy Is that where the two kids on the "My Hero Is..." video came from? If yes, say thanks.
@emma_academy I'd love to see a blog post with the kids and photos.
@robynmcintyre This is true. I think part of my problem was Ijust revisited The Wire and was looking for perfection.
@robynmcintyre I just found this season to be a bit overwritten. There were too many occasions of the characters making observations for us
Just watched the season finale of Dexter. Meh.
I just got accepted onto Alltops "Good" page. What have people's experiences been after their Alltop induction?
I vote for Diabetes Research Inst. in the Squidoo Twitterdrive for Charity! 1 vote=$1 donated. #squidoogives
“My first instinct was, it’s a kid. If this kid dies, I will never be able to live with myself. These scratches will heal"
Is it snowing in Chicago yet?
RT @SWcamp_Junkie: We are utilizing 100% biodegradable/BPA free water bottles for our 2009 campers. Pretty cool stuff. (We are too - cool)
Whenever I go to YouTube I end up at Any ideas on why this happens and if it matters?
Just blogged on the Tata Jagriti Yatra. I can't wait to see what comes out of this journey.
Soulja Boy realises he has an obligation to be a role model to kids who love him. No more "superman" references hopefully.


Noah Xeni Jardin Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt arvind s grover Dave Winer Alex Hillman Henry Halff Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Sean Howard Anil Dash Jeff O'Hara Hugh MacLeod    Erica OGrady MG Siegler Nate Ritter Loic Le Meur hotdogsladies cone johnson Mr. Balcom Lisa Brewster Josh Spear™ Mitch Joel Jon Jacob Austin Hill The New York Times Tim Siedell marshallk Gina Trapani Gina Cardazone Nicole Melander imelda bettinger Steve Jackson Lore Sjöberg
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