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@mtnvic Hi Dad! Now you know where to find me.
@TiEsQue You are just that awesome.
#sleepovercamp unlikely this weekend, I woke up all plague-y.
@PortlandSun, thank you for showing your face today. I was wondering if you would come back.
@dswiese Ohnoes! The better address for resumes is on the website, DM me if you can't find it!
Any streams/remote participation going for #diwd08?
Realizing I am missing breakfast with the fun kids over on the other side of the river. Ahswells. Most productive morning.
eeePC back in business. Heading to #thrive, if it's still going.
Oof. Curling up at home with a broken laptop to fix.
@thesethings Because NPR cancelled 2 programs and laid off staff?
@turoczy Ohnoes! You staying home tonight?
RT @mizd: Cash & Carry has 5lb boxes of satsumas for $4.58. We just bought one this morning. Om nom nom nom! (For you, @camikaos)
@dswiese Any in particular? I'm planning on going to ThrivePDX tonight.
I haven't put this up before, I will now: The company I work for, OpenSourcery, is hiring:
Day to Day cancelled! NPR fail. :(
@hundreddollar You invoke the name of the painter of blight?


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