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NewsTechZilla: "It's sort of like 'citizen journalism for journalists'"
@jayrosen_nyu To use your metaphoral framework, he's saying "Well the locusts didn't kill the farm and the drought didn't kill the farm..."
@jayrosen_nyu Rather cites radio & TV not killing papers & misses point: all 3 are centralized media. Cit J is decentralized. That's key dif
So, if Steve Jobs DID show up as the "One More Thing" in Schiller's keynote, would that be enough, or would he need to demo something new?
My blog has grown up - the spammers have discovered it! Though it's a pain to deal with, it also kind of makes me oddly proud.
@steveouting Upside: 09 can't be as bad a fall as 08. Crisis gives cover for dramatic moves, though I would've expected some by now.
@epsteada If he does - and I think it makes logical and emotional sense - I hope he has cool toy. ATV 3.0? Tablet? Either way, standing O.
@dsilverman Not crazy. Jobs is a showman and I don't think he can resist a curtain call. But will he have something neat to demo?
Newsosaur puts the grim news about newspaper companies in 2008 into one easy-to-read but hard-to-stomach chart:
Apple is not sentimental. Thus they killed Macworld. But Apple is emotional. So, prediction: Jobs is "One More Thing" in Schiller keynote.
Zune: "I have no idea what day it is, therefore you're probably trying to trick me you wily pirate of a paying customer! Good night!"
Zune mess cuz of a glitch that didn't account for leap year, but isn't the REASON this froze them DRM? DRM's failsafe mode: screw customer.
My condolences to Zune users today.
@MartinLangeveld I certainly don't take it as a good sign. They're blaming it on a tech. glitch. Hoping to bury at end of year?
Clarke's Law, amended: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Or Shazam.
Gina Chen is like @chrisbrogan for newsrooms. Her "Save The Media" blog is tight, useful. (via M Langeveld who Tweets not)
@maryvale Got busy today and hadn't checked back on the comments until just now. Touchy bunch. :-) must have been very popular holiday gift this year. I know it was in the Windsor household. Let's hear it for microfinance.
Good news/bad news about GN: As of yesterday, they had funded ALL applicants. BN: Only 4 choices today to fund - going fast!


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