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Just now trying out Tweetdeck for the first time. I'm behind the curve on this one! Everyone seems to love it.
@shonali A CNN anchor yesterday said this financial mess is the fault of ALL of us. How about the ones who didn't over-extend themselves?
@bluemonkeybutt Will do! Thanks for the encouragement. Time to don my reindeer antlers.
@lseegert Eggnog! Good idea. I was thinking it MUST be close to Matt's bedtime... Looked at clock. It's 6:20. OK then! Onward...
@bluemonkeybutt We have a boy, so no dramatic sighs. We specialize in slumping, mumbling and passive-aggressive comments here. ;)
@lseegert Yeah, sometimes the fantasy trim-the-tree evening described in mags has to make way for reality. Waiting for dog to fart next!
Taking a tweet break while hubs and son discuss best way to put lights on tree... Ho ho ho!
@JennaSchnuer Roasted green beans? Haven't had them that way. If they're one of life's great delights, sign me up! Recipe? :)
@BlogSquad Utterli sounds great! I'll look for your tweets during the race. Have fun!
@worleygirl What movie? Need reviews!
Trying to decorate tree along with 'tude-filled 13-year-old... not quite as much fun as it sounds.
Please, Santa -- a Wii Fit???
@BlogSquad You can tweet while you run a 1/2 marathon? Dang.
@Feelslikehome You have over 1,100 followers! That's impressive.
@wordywoman Thx to @joscie for info on twitter app for facebook:
Getting ready to decorate the tree. Time for the Chipmunks' Christmas CD. "We've been good, but we can't last..."
@joscie Thx for twitter app link. I'll include that in article. Appreciate the info!
@LisaBraithwaite Thanks, Lisa! I'm writing about this for an article. Don't think I'll link my own tweets. I do too many.
@BJMendelson Thanks! I don't plan to link my own tweets to FB. But I'm writing an article on social networking and want to include this.
Who will be follower #900? I'm at 899. Drum roll...


Biz Stone Adam Rugel Evan Williams Maggie Mason Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis biverson Michael McFadden David Parmet Alex Hillman Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Elisa Camahort Brian Clark Jim Long Brian Solis  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble giovanni Busy Mom Anil Dash Tony Delgrosso Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins the Domestic Diva Larry Tomlinson Jeffrey Zeldman Jeremiah Damon C Tamar Weinberg CNN Breaking News Connie Reece BL Hussein Ochman
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