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RT @TweetOh - We will allow users to stream an actual live show - including their own music - right from their PC. Me: That is great!
No Surprises – Radiohead. Dig it. ♫
@TweetOh are your going to give users the ability to upload their own mp3 files? Or just music ala blip?
@beelly This song doesn't sound like it, but Bosque Brown reminds me of some of The Roches stuff... ♫
Aloha @CrystalClear. Thanks for the follow!
And one last one from The Cranberries, Free to Decide from the Oregon campaign to legalize suicide. LOL. ♫
To @eschipul, @happykatie, @magsmac and all at @Schipul Xmas party, have fun. If I knew wife would be stranded in NYC I would have come. :-(
(DJ talk up) Staying with the theme of er - energetic - brunettes, Katy Perry, Hot 'N Cold...(hit the post)... ♫
@Beelly LOL - did she have emphysema at age 24?
(DJ talk-up) Will Amy Winehouse last to another New Year? He she is with the of deluxe edition of Cupid... ♫
Tix go on sale tomorrow for Adele's 3/15/09 show at Granada Theater. ♫
@QuePR Even if he really didn't do anything wrong, he should have expressed concern that this has caused Illinois residents to lose faith.
@brandius - You should blur out the screen in the background so poor Crabtree and Harrell aren't traced back to ...
@lsteffy It's called Goodwill. They will take any TV -- even if it doesn't work.
Talking with a Ferrari salesperson (not buying one, don't worry) and she says sales are horrible. Big surprise.
@kamichat Oh NO -- Lyndon Larouche whack job!
@JimMacMillan Kinda like O.J.: "If I did it..."
@kamichat Do you know if Blagojevichcalls news conference will be streamed somewhere?
Blizzard in NYC may strand wife for the weekend


ROAD Magazine Kami Huyse Katie Laird inkoluv Jason McElweenie Ed Schipul Santa Claus dwight silverman Jeff Beringer Aaron Long Sandra Fernandez Jennifer Brooks michael cherenson Margie M. Newman Serena Ehrlich Mark W. McClennan Alexander Muse Chris Nelder Lauren Vargas Loren Steffy VeloNews Tom Fowler Monica D. Schipul Mary Wagoner Petri Darby The Today Show Lindsay Olson Amber Naslund dbreakenridge JasonFalls HoustonChron Mark Leon Watson Randi Mason, MLS Burson-Marsteller Jim MacMillan