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bgrier: @FIR: Facebooks growth and revised STATUS command: will it threaten Twitter? or is there enough micro-content to go around?
dcornwall: Loved Lee Hopkins in ep 234, especially his pointed remarks on live blogging. I'm SO glad he's back. Hope Nelville is over hi ...
dcornwall: NE State Library in Second Life -
nathanschock: What is your preference: official corporate blogs or independent employee bloggers? Does it depend?
dcornwall: I'm so glad you got the time and tech together to have Sallie Goetsch FIR. Can't wait to hear it. But I'm three eps back so i ...
dcornwall: Started new directory of govt's using Second Life and other VR at Please ask listeners for ...
dcornwall: In FIR 236, you ask for feedback on Media Monitoring Minute. I think Chip is doing a great job and each episode I nudge close ...
heyangelo: 1-min news: Southwest Airlines' blog, is 1yr old -a pilot also blogs! Delta's using Twitter ( An ...
LeeAase: Here's a comment (or one-minute news) to consider for #241
heyangelo: Guess you'll cover the MyRagan-Chris Heur issue going on this week. Is moderated social media an oxymoron? Angelo Fernando
BryanPerson: About to leave a message on (206) line during my commute to work. Hopefully you can work it into today's show.
prblog: For the FIR radar: on the DIY PR kerfuffle. Cheers.
topgold: One of the most interesting side effects of reporting your presence unfolded during Reboot 9:
DonnaPapacosta: Finally received your podcasting book, ordered ages ago. LOVING IT SO FAR. Hard to tear myself away from it! Well done, ...
prblog: Neville - Saw your myragan vid. What gear do you use? My setup is purposely low-tech. I use my digital camera, windows movie mak ...
prblog: ...PhotoStory 3. My point? People shouldn't fret over the perceived challenge of online vids. It doesn't have 2 be slick. just d ...
prblog: Is Facebook a biz app? Some say no. What say you? :-)
danieljohnsonjr: would you consider playing this promo on your show? http://www.emailourmilitary...
chrisabraham: Guys, would you be willing to get pitched by me about Firebrand Monday? The email thing ain't wo ...
jangles: setting up with GroupTweet.


Daniel Johnson, Jr. Rob Cottingham Heidi Miller Dan York Doug Haslam  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman Ian Wilker Phil Wolff Andrea Weckerle Bernie Goldbach neville Peter Wells Ton Zijlstra Martyn Kami Huyse Chris Abraham Chris Christopher Penn Mike McClary blubrry Bryan Person Phil Gomes Michael Bellina David Finch LEE HOPKINS Francis Shepherd Ben Digman Mitch Joel Brad Grier Tom Raftery Kathryn Lagden Francis Wooby Chip Griffin Andrew Findlater  Todd Van Hoosear