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Rain, rain go away. Let the Sun come out and play! I've had enough of this damn wet weather. Will start boycotting cabs next Monday!
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone. Get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. =)
I hate bringing up the subject of breaking up. Gotta deliver the blow soft. Sigh
I've never felt so stupid in my life before.
I'm missing Enzo and my folks already. I still <3 Donnie Yen. Luggage still unpacked. Sigh
I <3 Donnie Yen!
I feel sick. Anyway, anyone here competing in the World Championships at Jakarta next month? Message me if you are! 'Cos I'll be going! =D
I feel much better getting it off my chest. A load of the shoulders. But I worry bout the repercussions. I wonder: Did I do the right thing?
Bought an O.D.M watch for 170 buckeroos. Spent 370 buckeroos in all for 2 watches in a week. Geez! *slaps my forehead*
I love my silver Swatch IRONY diaphane! It's not a man's watch. Steph does not have manly taste. Steph's got good taste!
I'm supposed to be working now but am blogging instead! Haaaaa!!! I've got the itch to write.
11.15pm in Brisbane now. Just baked some choco chip cupcakes and cake. Having a splitting headache. Must be all those shopping we did today.
Twittering from Brisbane now! G'evening mates! Missing my momma... Anyone missing me already?
Would I have time to hit the gym tomorrow? Umm
Tempted to go swimming but was already sunburnt from yesterday. Had a haircut this morning, going to get my nails done tmr. 33 hours left.
If the grass is greener on the other side, it's probably weed.
Flying off to OZ Land in another 91 hours. Luggage is unpacked still. Sheesh... So many things to do, so little time! *hits the panic button
Attended a sex education talk. Bought a 1GB thumbdrive for $29.90. Dirt cheap! Woohooo!!
I may be awake doesn't mean that you can call me on the phone. Duh!
Tossed a coin in front of the altar to decide which Major I should take. Result - Heads: Biology. Ummm... No regrets!


i heart quotes Denise dk Singapore Weather darthsid mrbrown Rush