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@garyandrews But Joey Barton would be brilliant in Ugly Betty!
Ah, British Sea Power.
@Nosemonkey Re: guitar-based music - Funnily enough that's also what Blur think
Can haz Blur tix too!!!
New TwitterFon released - no more crashing! Yay!
Ugh. Early evening dozing groggy me makes. Thank heaven for Heroes and pizza
@billt Does it allow bloggers? :)
RT @flashboy: Great Moments In Our Civilisation, #739: Nobel Prize winner acknowledges award with LOLcat:
Baby in the office. Productivity grinds to zero
@utku :)I think it's beef. But it's covered in tasty tomato and garlic so it could be soylent green for all I know
BBC mock 11+ test: "Click the start button to start". But the button is disabled. FAIL.
Now after a misunderstanding, I am eating meat tortellini, in a meat sauce. WIN
Went to get lunch. While queuing in the shop a rat decided to wander past my feet. Yikes. Not eating there again
@JazCummins Au contraire the moment I get better I'm going to make the most of my time! :) Hence a likely hangover...
@JazCummins Ooh, Tweetup looks good but I will probably be too hungover to make it
Just installed this as my seasonal desktop wallpaper
In case anyone missed it from last night - blog post from me: "There is no HTTP code for censorship"
Feel well enough to go back to work today. Outdoors for the first time in four days


David Stone Duncan Stephen JoeTheDough Tom Reynolds Deirdre diamond geezer Andrew Wong Armand David Paul Tom Phillips Drew B Robin Grant Bill Thompson Annie Mole thom b Robert Llewellyn Lindsay Marshall Chris Reed nathan mcdonald Sandrine Plasseraud James Whatley Melanie Seasons el em gee Alfie Dennen Lewis Webb Will Howells Sara Burningham James Nelson Charles Arthur Melinda Seckington Jonathan Hopkins catkin Billy Abbott Utku Can Blu Mar Ten Damian Kahya