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@Whatleydude I have this picture of you rushing around, pocket watch in hand like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland
@loudmouthman You had me worried there!
@loudmouthman have i lost an hour or are you travelling from France?
@paulbradshaw it's good isn't it :-) plus it's british rather than dutch so good to support your own i think :-)
@ijeanes cool! Have a great time, hope he breaks a leg ;-) hope the train wifi's working for ya
@stevepurkiss good luck! And i hope you feel better soon
I like @dabr even more now i know they colour reply tweets so i can spot them :-)
@ijeanes chelmsford to liverpool st, then tube to victoria. You? Hope it's somewhere fun
@jasonjarrett trains are great aren't they! Thankfully the one i'm on isn't smelly
@johnhood morning! Hope you don't get full on man flu
Morning all, it's a bit cold and dark for this bus catching malarky
tired, time for bed, night all
@alisongow i'm glad it's wednesday, cos this morning i thought it was thursday, so i got a whole day back
@BenjaminEllis How did the performance go?
@sizemore Thought this would make you chuckle ♫
@febake Thanks, I managed to resist actually killing anyone, but we did all hit the pub at 4pm for our last meeting of the day
@Shelleyftr @digitalmaverick cheers guys :o) not quite what I was hoping for but it was a tough one....guess we'll be sticking with services
@DaylightGambler sorry! i didn't tweet about lunch though
anyone got a good word beginning with E that could mean services?


Ian McKellar Ross Emma bobcat rock ribot Chris Brogan Jim Long Philip Campbell Ian Forrester David Stone Josh Russell Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Euan Semple Richard Moross laurence timms Mike Butcher Rob Hinchcliffe sizemore Jess bear Leanda Nigel Pepper SubWolf Dan Taylor Starbucks Coffee Tom Reynolds Darren Waters Status Updates dotBen Stephanie Booth Hugh MacLeod James Cridland James Governor Mr Anderson Lloyd Davis
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