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has phone call from friend wanting lift to church then a call saying she doesn't. Der! Murmeration has moved on.
Mornin'all. Camberwick Green just waking up. Flock of birds in the trees on the green. Starlings I expect, but havn't put my glasses on yet
It's 9 o'clock, time to switch off. Night all! (in UK) Good afternoon all! (in USA)
@solobasssteve Have sent the link to Jan, she was mortified when I lost the tape.
@solobasssteve Gonna have to get the map out & follow your route. Have a good journey & enjoy your coffee.
@velocitygirl Sore throat sounds ominous. Don't get the dreaded cold/flu/thing take some vit C, or something quick!
@klstewart I feel really sorry for staff in shops who have to listen to crap Christmas music from late Oct. "Cruel & unusual punishment"
@solobasssteve Thanks for looking after me. You think I came down in the last shower. How's you 2? What you doing today?
@solobasssteve Have had lots of phishings from banks. They usually want a reply or info. This one didn't & website is genuine.
@catstress Did little person enjoy the show?
@solobasssteve I don't think so. But why did onlineshop say the bank bounced my card but the bank confirm the details. I'll call shop on Mon
@artbizness Mais non! Ou est le pie'n'mash et les jellied eels?
@artbizness I went to school near Northcote Rd. Is there still a street market?
Have just found email from my bank confirming secure details and password. What the *** is going on? I hate buying online.
Just walked down to the river. V sunny. Malards swimming where path to bridge should be! Church being decked with holly, flowers & candles.
@garethjms Potential for range of kit & softwear for parents of small babies to access one handed. A tin-opener would be good too.
@artbizness Leappad = most unnecessary pseudo-educational toy ever! Let's be leappad Luddites. Smash 'em all (if any still work properly)!
@catstress You'll have a great time, it wil be fun. Tip from an expert - suss out where the nearest loos are when you find your seat.
Recalling last year's online pressies. Last one came in Feb & I got 2 cards asking me to collect from depots 60miles away. I lke real shops.


James Stewart artbizness Kari Fellow™ Gareth J M Saunders Steve Lawson Lobelia cat munro Jude Adam jodiwhyte stonemankev kamikazekitten steve brown