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@Ascius Do you have gmail?
Holy crap, it's almost Thanksgiving!?!? Hmm, time to figure out what the heck we're gonna do
I'm really hungry for some Sea Kittens now!
@MamaDB Husband staving off sickness.
I actually enjoy having too much to do.
@amy08 Destromath, mainly, horde side. I'm levelling a priest up to 70 for Lich King.
@amy08 my pleasure. what server are you playing on these days? or not playing if that's more accurate. =)
@amy08 Nov 13 for the box, but the patch that has all the new rules and talents, etc. just hit today.
Hmm, it seems it's been a fortnight since I told twitter what I've been doing... what have I been doing? Work, Kids, Clean, WoW, repeat.
@BrianReed Can you answer what it is the VP does, exactly? I sure can't. Break ties in the Senate. Be Prez if need be. Anything else?
Twitter... oh, hai! Dear east coast, please take your weather back. Thanks! West coast.
Hmm, somehow I'm playing WoW again. Ah well.
I finally played Braid. Awesome. Fantastic gameplay, great music and art, also. Not sure the text was more than just a "huh?" for me though.
Our house is a museum.
I almost feel normal again. Almost.
Here's an unpopular opinion: Bill Hicks, not that funny. Been listening to him on XMComedy a lot. He's mostly angry and preachy, not funny.
Why have I seen 2 Anne Hathaway movies in the last two days?
It's sorta fun to watch the media learn about someone new in real time.
@ramtower IS it 3 installs only with serverside check for validation on the Mac as well?
Barely lunchtime and already the weekend is a distant memory.


Adam Rakunas Scotty White BrianReed Carl Giannini rich amtower Amy Mike Haseloff Shannon Chenoweth Tymothi Loving Andrew Steven McNally Neil Young Anne Reed mattfraction Christine Estacio saelony BENDIS! patloika matt_tonks BRIANMBENDIS ameskirshen