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A blog entry for me is so rare, I'm not too shy to mention it.
Is that too much to ask?
I help people with tech support all day every day. I feel like being a giant baby right now. I want someone to find me a syslog solution.
lazytweet: does anyone have a mac syslog solution? I'd prefer an app based syslog server like kiwi server for windows than enabling syslog
@DearPrudns I just tweeted about mine this AM
File under ewww: I'm laying in bed, with the MBP. Focus my eyes to see a tiny spider rappelling down from the ceiling an inch from my face.
Day (night) three of amazing lucid dreams. The kind where you wake up with the lingering feelings that it was real. Thank you, subconscious.
Turned the radio off. Just wanted to enjoy this amazing night sky in the quiet. Slowed way down. Minute later state trooper passes. #karma
Roads are empty, washed clean from this mornings storm. Sky is clear with a giant bright frozen Moon.
Finished. Driving home. Victorius.
Server SCSI drives installed, Raid built, OS installed, updates running, joined to domain, DNS server configured. Now to write backup script
Had to cut the plastic fan cage on the server motherboard to accommodate the hard drive adapter. Used gardening shears.
Making fun of the Amish is like making fun of the church, its just too easy. Plus if you do it on twitter you know they never find out.
Head against the steering wheel contemplating *another* commute in the pouring rain. Just shoot me. It's quicker and more honest.
Todays IT tech emergency was saved in part by CS Electronics 
(949) 475-9100. For the best in Mass Storage, see Tim.
@scottypboston I just said that so I could tweet "tits" without looking like a misogynist.
@mjnbrn If PGP is awesome you aren't doing it right. (apologies to Niels Bohr)


Keri Maijala Beep. MrFresh Grant Hutchinson Neven Mrgan Gedeon Maheux Anthony Piraino joanne  mcneil Jeffrey Zeldman Dave Fravel Dean Cameron Allen Joshua Green Allen Dave Caolo Rock H. Norris Trish Mulvihill RoeBoeDog Tim Siedell Holly Miller Brett Peters Karl Gunnarsson Avery Edison Jeffrey Hunter Kee Hinckley Adam Lisagor Peter Cohen Nicole D. Ashley Angell Annie Robotica Misfit Warren Ellis Mark J. Reeves Cindy Coy Christopher Hunt Paul Ford Geoffrey McCaleb