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@chrisbrogan Twilight (the book) is actually a great read. The movie doesn't do it justice. (p.s. Edward's my hot, vampire boyfriend)
Another incredible social experiment: (so much good happening these days)
Due to crappy Boston weather, @amandagravel's birthday tweetup is going to be postponed. Details on new date/time will be posted :)
Boston: A Beehive Birthday for Socialhoneycomb's @AmandaGravel! Come and play this Friday!
Happy Birthday @amandagravel and @mknell!
@claytongroup4 I <3 video chat. Google's latest offering in Gmail made my year. Would love to get an update on your alpha :)
@stales Thought of you when I saw this:
Quote of the day: "A girl and a laptop - can conquer the world" - @stephagresta, my favorite internetgeekgirl
Think I'm gonna tell my mom that I'll be happy to share this space with her, but that a tweet will never substitute a hug or phone call home
@robertcollins I think it can be a good thing, but it's a red flag to me when mom wants to connect on Twitter. It means Im not communicating
@elle6503 Kudos to you for being such a cool mom! Do your kids ever feel paranoid that you can see everything they do?
My mom's thinking about creating a Twitter account and I just read a wall post from my friend's Dad. I'm slightly torn about all of this
All you social parents out there: How do you feel about connecting with your kids on Facebook or Twitter? Have you done it? Do you want to?
@leolaporte With 67,000 followers, why don't you just take over France? Leoville FTW.
Resting up and catching up. No one likes to be sick during the holidays. Promising myself I will be anti-biotic free before Xmas.
Just bc everything is different, doesnt mean anything has changed. -tweet 2000 for @bret, my digital soul mate, my never-ending conversation
@peterkim Love your '09 predictions compilation. Really great ensemble + content. (Peeps: if you havent seen it:
@amandagravel @thespottedduck Hope your day turns around ladies. If not, good news: this is the last full work week before the holidays! :)
RT @chrisbrogan Laughing my ass off at @tedmurphy 's post "Chris Brogan is the Chuck Norris of Social Media" :
@mmcgovern I think this video made me laugh 10x harder:


Biz Stone Evan Williams adam Tom Limongello Aubrey Sabala Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Jason Calacanis Justine Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Beth Kanter Veronica Belmont Andrea Mercado Doug Haslam Brian Solis Mark Bao  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman Howard Greenstein Robert Scoble scott Ron K Jeffries Hugh MacLeod Peter Wells Kevin Marks Ki. Lilly Evans Jesse Baer Jeremiah Tamar Weinberg Jay Meattle Nate Westheimer Julia Roy Leah Culver Todd Defren
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