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@gtcaz - it is coming... our mobile guy just demo'd it for me. cool!
Nice NEW updates to NPR API: create your own podcast, NPR station finder, plus Fresh Air and Story Corps content included.
@rgutel - you could try just using a microsoft word template... not sure if that is fancy enough for you.
@irinaslutsky - perhaps... depends on how involved it is. they can ask me though. if they need native speakers that ain't me I should say.
Today I recorded a promo IN RUSSIAN for NPR aired on a Moscow station. Yeah baby!! It makes 6 years of studying strangely worth it
Just sent out the Best of 2008 to NPR's largest group of subscribers... they seem to be enjoying it based on the traffic coming our way.
@monkeygrrl - there is a huge bowl of chocolate covered pretzels on a colleague's desk today.
An in/out list for the recession. Very clever... from Linton Weeks:
What a shocker, Times names Obama person of the year. That must have been an easy meeting
Thank you how to geek for showing me how to get an invisible window to show up again: Dang windows and laptops
@irinaslutsky - my pronunciation isn't bad. many say i speak like a Georgian. (in reply to
@chloevdc - yeah... crazy weather. I've been leaving mine off during the day and night. Switching on as I need it.
There are some strange messages going out over the NPR intercom system today. Frantic, over-enunciated + one with thinly veiled aggression.
Google not shy about marketing Crome. There is a link on It's out of beta in case u hadn't heard. But will my back button work?
Any email marketers out there using Return Path? If so... I have a question for you.
Oops - wrong url on the previous post -
O-ba-ma chant fuels DC high school basketball victory:
@robinboywonders - yeah it is a bummer... I'm thankful that I'm still here.


Frank Gilroy Brian Conley Matthew Sandy Darth Vader Tom Lee Todd Mundt Jeff Keni Pulver Tim Eby Geoff Andy Carvin Matt Martinez John Proffitt Aaron Brazell Eric Nuzum John Klem Chantal jay smooth marshallk Kevin Dando Scott Simpson Pete Alcorn Matt Gallivan Rene Gutel Geoff Gaudreault Enrique Gonzales PBS MediaShift PBS Jon Gordon Thom Watson joel brodie Jay Brodsky Robert Paterson Rachel Scott Stead Jeannine Harvey
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