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Goody - my annual winter attack of toe chilblains has commenced. Hurts big time. Probably caused by not wearing warm boots yesterday.
@jerimrl I'll bet it's tres chilly in Fairbanks.
NOTE: Microsoft Word is NOT meant to be a publishing layout program. Ugh
@myster In the social bookmarking, highlighting world, I'm a very big fan of #diigo.
@myster MLB would react like Tyge and the Screaming Monkey.
@myster Good grief! Next think he'll want is a bacon cupcake.
At Fed Jury duty. The wheels of justuce grind on even tho it's the week before Christmas.
@myster From my 8th floor West viewing vantage point, I've been watching the fog roll in during the past 15 minutes. Very Hitchcockian.
@myster But, we don't want to do ANYTHING that would discourage you from making cupcakes. If that means $62 cupcake stands, bring 'em on!
@myster The cupcake stand is pretty darn adorable. Although $62 for a stand that holds but one cupcake seems a bit expensive.
@djencybrown Oooh - I had brunch at Kenny and Zukes a month ago!
I seem to be a tech Typhoid Mary this morning. I just bricked my Dell Laptop. On a good note though, my MacBook Air has thawed out.
Note to self: Macbook Air's do NOT like cold. I left mine in the car for an hour. It then made a HORRIBLE sound when I tried to boot it.
Wow - reading a WSJ article on Google and Net Nuetrality. The suprising bit is that Lawrence Lessig now gets the need for service tiers.
@myster Oooh - I think you now fall into the Serial Strep victim class. Ugh.
Dick Cavett on Blagojevich's hair: "whatever covers the governor’s head looks to me like a bowling-ball cozy."
It's snowing yet again. We're in the midst of a pretty fantastic winter!
I just want everyone to know, @Myster makes an absolutely awesome white birthday cake! My Mom and Peter were in heaven as they munched down.
Whew! Just dodged bullet. I forgot I had Federal Jury duty starting today. Just phoned in and fortunately, my panel was spared today.
Off to the 2008 GCI Christmas party at the Dena'ina Convention Center.


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