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@jordansatok soyouwantallyourtweetstolooklikethisifyougetthemviasms?
@rileyfeld I think 140 is pretty perfect. It gives you enough space to get a thought out and nothing more.
@erinnbear I get them DAILY - "sex partner search" - "hot girls want in your pants now now now!" etc
@rileyfeld The problem is that they'd have to split it into multiple SMS messages if they did that.
@Greg_2 Hmm. Are you getting a 'banned' message or what?
@zachflauaus It's not as strong as say a D80 or whatever, but it's built well for the size.
@Peppery @rileyfeld It would make sense for them to sell 'pro' features, I don't know what they're doing :/
@zachflauaus I did a photography course back in February and they had a bunch of G9s to use. They offer a lot of pro features in a small pkg
@zachflauaus Yea, it's not quite a cheap point and shoot - and not quite a dslr. Great cams. I used the G9 for a week and loved it
@jordansatok Haven't used my camera since August.
@zachflauaus XT, 400D is XTi - I'm considering selling it though and just pooling whatever I cash I get towards a G9 (or G10 later)
@zachflauaus I want a new cam, but don't need it. going to splurge on a lens though, still using my kit lens
@michaelper22 I have no problem with people spending money on gear, I'd love a $3000 camera - but I wouldn't be a dbag and tweet what he did
@Greg_2 Weird. You using OpenDNS or anything?
Can we make sure mistretta gets this url - -- Love, Alec.
@definetheline Alec wanted to send you this, but you don't follow him:
@zachflauaus I think I paid $600 2 years ago for my 350D - going to get a new lens soon though, so probably will spend another $300
@zachflauaus He's such a hypocrite. $1200 d90 and god knows how much in lenses.
@definetheline Coming from a guy with a $3000 camera?


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