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Whee! 40% off coupon for PS CS4: Missing Manual lives here: Buy one for you and your friends... pretty please :)
PS CS4: Missing Manual is off to the printer! I'm celebrating by taking self to the mall :)
Go @tiffanibarnes! Arg. That reminds me I haven't done my 2.5 miles yet today. I'm still in PJs :)
@parkerdigital Is that the place you took @ShawnKing and I for breakfast? If so, OMG... makes me not want to eat this jenny craig toast :)
@moxielady I've been disappointed with CC's stuff lately. Frump City :(
ROFL @adamengst & @tonyaengst The flirty tweets are MUCH more fun than the "I made acorn flower" & "I ran 500 miles today" tweets ;)
OMG @shawnking is mocking me for having Close Encounters of 3rd Kind theme song on 45. WTF??!!!
But it doesn't make me look forward to it any less. At least I'll know the right wine to order this time ;)
@SlyM @macgenie OMG I'd so trade this Jenny Craig for Tra Vigne. Though I fear it will pale in comparison to the real thing. Eek!
Happy birthday @sarahdoherty !
:panting: Okay, this post-Italy-indulgence workout thing is for the birds. Arg! Determined to run at least 2 miles a day from now till MW.
Enjoyed a morning filled with reading BMW ON magazine while sipping good coffee. I want to go riding, but it's too cold even w/heated gear!
People who kiss ass make me sick. That's all I'm allowed to say.
Date night with @shawnking: dinner & movie, this if fun!
In light of the folks & companies who can't come to Macworld due to economy, I had to write something positive: - Congratulatory roses from @slym... They're gorgeous and yellow!!!! - OMG Photoshop CS4: Missing Manual in finally done!!!
:hops around: It's snowing in CT!!!! Football on, cats sprawled in front of fire, sipping cappuccino while I work :)
:picks up bottle, extends fangs...: Whoops! I clearly enjoyed True Blood a little *too* much last night :)
@editblog I think you're right :eyes Rubicon old vine zin bottle with malice:


KB Dori Nanther Tucker MacDonald Charles Plater John C. Welch Brad_Strickland Thomas Fitzgerald Chris Darling Ian Nixon Chuck La Tournous Vince LaMonica Sarah Doherty Sam joe bustillos Jason Snell Jose_Munguia Charlie Koch Wil Wheaton Adam C. Engst Andy Ihnatko Andrew Black Scot Andrews Doug Smith Scott Simmons Peter Cohen Pat Fauquet John Moltz Paul Kent Shawn King Jason Brittsan marsee henon George Canellis mark zerø CEO -Tony BillCampo