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Watching @1938media , Wow France sounds like a fantastic place to not visit.
supermoon is stunning! brightest in 15 years
My Dell Mini 9 arrived today. It rocks. Suprised it shipped so quickly. Ordered on tues. Free shipping.
GM India to up headcount by 500
I should get my Dell Min 9 on monday. Gonna load GoS on it. Then i'm gonna skype steve gilmor from the cloud. I'm so 2009 in the cloud.
"You get pleasure from receiving, and meaning from giving." inspired by Tony Robbins
"I find it convenient to keep my interests mobile." What movie?
Ordered a Dell Mini 9. $330 @ dell outlet.
Wow. has closed captioning. Cool!
Thinking about trying a Dell Mini 12. I want to load OSx on it.
I created a monster! Got my mom into walking 30 -60 minutes a day. It's snowing today and she wants me to walk with her.
Video of plastic ocean: Sea of Shame
got my citi bill today. bogus late fees and jacked up interst rate. Checked my bank and i payed on time. Citi is now auditing my account.
Watching Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" on google video. Best television show ever!
attempting to make cranberry sauce
wow kroger and kmart are open.
Annoyed by talk of Citi bailout. Headlines stating 60% drop in stock price forced bailout. Since when do we bailout stock prices?
The crows are very loud and its not even light out.


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