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Hello world. Just popping up for a bit of air ok...going back in.
Slow Food is pretty cool. Just browsing their site, adding some info to an article on eating seasonally.
The picture of thankfulness: our beagle when he saw me prepare a little holiday plate for him! (wag-wag-wag) Happy Thanksgiving!
@PhillipMcClusky, Got an extra fork? ( ;
@rawallison, let's go for a nice massage!
Wondering if new kink in neck from talking on phone is permanent?
@wildlifeSOS, OMG, I may never sleep again. Seriously? ACK!!!
OK. Now I have 9 little piles instead of 1 big one..."desk of doom"
@Sunshinrawtism, MINE. MINE. MINE. All MINE!!! O : =
@RawTN, those truffles should come with a warning label. May cause unusually high energy, euphoria and sleeplessness.
I think I'm a little "hung-over" from all of the raw cacao truffles last night. Woah.
@MadameSoybean, Thanks (tips hat). I'm glad they arrived safe & sound. Nothing like hemp seeds...yummy! ENJOY!!! ( :
Boing. Boing. Boing. (that's me bouncing off the walls)
Tip of the day...don't keep a full jar of ulimana truffles next to your computer. That is unless you don't WANT to sleep tonight
@michjoy61, send them to me! ( ;
Dreamt about sailing a large wooden boat over beautiful calm turquoise waters last night. ???
Made some lovely candied pecans - so delish right out of the dehydrator.
The car just turned back into a pumpkin...guess we know what time it is. Nite-nite-tweet-peeps........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
@Dhrumil, that makes complete sense. Thanks for the tidbit.
@MadameSoybean, You GOji GIRL! ( ; Enjoy!


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