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Is dealing with the truth of scripture head on.
Holding Calum so Eliz can dry her hair. It's the simple things.
did breakfast at Pancake P for the first time in years.
is up early for MFT supervision.
is listening to a mix of free (thanks Starbucks) iTunes of bands he normally would have no idea existed.
is gearing up to take the whole family to Memphis tomorrow for a counseling conference. Ear plug specials being sought.
is back from a long day including taking 'lil Calum for his first round of shots. He cried. Parents cried.
is back from East Tennessee where his 7 week-old son was a big hit with the grandparents.
Is viewing Hollis workday video.
has been studying for the state licensing boards.
is stuffing envelopes.
is cracking up about this guy's real intentions (late night snack):,2933,433783,00.html
is done with a long day. Reading Mac Leopard book and getting sleepy.
is finishing a ministry newsletter.
is enjoying Pandora's radio feed. Typed in Michael Hedges and have been in guitar heaven.
has morning after debate hangover. Glad Palin stepped up to the plate... wish McCain could do the same.
is tired of debates. He said She said.
is glad to have the family home and peaceful.
Moving from one to another
wonders which spinning plate to set on the table