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spending the day with the navpress leadership. big decisions lie ahead!
Off to bed after a very rewarding day. Man did God show up and do His thing in me!
ready for a full day at navpress...only 3 more days til nashvegas!!!
fun dinner with friends....good to catch up!
Happy that my three mile drive in the snow was uneventful. Now for a full day. Nashvegas count down is on!
whew! finally got through all of my website projects list...should give me the leg up for the a little winding down!
trying to stay's freezing outside but the fireplace makes it cozy!
got lots accomplished so far on to a little work while i watch the broncos
Hunkered down at home and watching it snow. Good exuse to clean and do laundry. 5 more days til nashvegas!
Headed to church to avoid having to get out in the snow tomorrow!
at the office trying to tackle a bunch of little projects!
Headed to get my haircut and pick up the last two gifts on my list!
Absolutely nothing for a change!
home for the evening...need a little mental relaxation before a busy weekend.
Wrapping up my time at the ronald mcdonald house
Great day! Now for a little volunteering!
back at the office after a fun lunch with the navpress ladies!
Home sweet home! Glad to be back but grateful for a productive day!
Home is in my near future! God bless United!
Great meetings today! Snow is coming down. Hoping to make it out of O'Hare!