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At the doc-in-a-box, where they just pulled out a half inch stick of wood from deep in my wife's little toe. Used a scalple and everything.
@obie What do you think about screen shares pairing like is described in @marick's latest blog post?
You know you can't sing when you can't complete a Nirvana song on Rock Band. I mean, c'mon!
Hey look, its Rogue on a Unicorn!
Watching The Money Masters. Wow.
Hey, do any of you ALT.NETers want the domain It expires soon and I won't be renewing it.
Watching @faithfulgeek's Sinatra screencast. Nicely done.
Okay, hallucinations have resided. Beware of the demon Sudafed, man
My head is spinning and I feel like I'm lying down (only I'm not). Oh, and I'm starting to hallucinate. Maybe I should head home
Having an in-car DVD player that you just bought break in the middle of a long road trip with a very tired 4 and a 2 year old is pure FAIL.
Here is my Ignite Salt Lake presentation on Sequential Art, only somewhat our of sync.
Pro Tip: If you are going to cook alot of eggs for alot of people, don't put all 18 eggs in a single pan at the same time.
Wow! I had my first high sugar/caffine energy drink in 3 months for the late night drive to Boise. I am buzzed out of my skull right now..
@KirinDave Check out the Sanyo Xacti HD1010 for a more robust Flip HD.
@KenMcConnell I have a 1st gen MacBook Pro, and I can't get more than 2GB RAM in this thing. So to get more RAM I have to upgrade.
Wow, 2GB RAM is no longer enough. I think its time to upgrade to a new MacBook or MacBook Pro
@BuddyLindsey Yeah, but Steve Rogers is dead. Like really dead. Bucky-dead. Except that Bucky is back and is the new Captain America - Forgot to mention that today is crazy facial hair day. Who can beat me?
Digital Copy FTW. I spent all weekend trying to rip a Wall-E DVD with Handbrake for the tv, only to get a digital copy with the BD disc.
@brianleroux I hear you. I just noticed a couple weeks ago that I can't read my monitor without my glasses or contacts. Aging FAIL.


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