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To the woman sitting in this empty amtrak cafe car, "nice purse." Outloud be weird.
Crossing a trestle bridge on a train, queue the harmonica solo.
Summer '97: "A hard time for you and for us because we knew but never spoke of the finality of what was to come."
my breakfst this AM looks like my boy's: banana, tj's bluebrry & cream yo, rich tea biscuits.
congrats @joi
Boiling water for tea while putting some Bach through his paces.
playing santa for maddy's eee. When I was 10 my father got me an far we've come:
vicariously looking up recipes with nikki for making gingerbread houses.
waiting for a conference call with the UK to start....
I remember riding in the car to preschool with my dad and singing along to this song on the radio:
Fixing our wifi network. Hmmmm. What's up with the weather and the wifi? Coincidences.
Watching my 1 year old get to "work" on our drawer of sippy cups.
madeline brings me a plate with letters on it, "Look! I made a Gusteau!" #ratatouille
reading email and printing emails to compare with printed documents. I need a scanner.
new words get added all the day. What I think of these knew words...? I can sum it up thusly: meh.
Belated congrats to @biz for winning the Oxford debate. Any links to the debate out there?
Looking at rights from the microscopic level of a contract.
Today's high was 13F, colder than No. Ire.
Umass wins in ot. 4-3 umass over BC
OT Umass and BC hockey


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Adam Rugel Evan Williams kellan sara ilona Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Jason Calacanis lane Dan Cederholm erin Stewart Butterfield Caterina Cal Henderson brady forrest l.m. orchard Brad Pauly Meg Hourihan Tantek Çelik Natalie Joshua Levy Tom Coates Robert Scoble Andy Baio John Gruber
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