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Amazing Magnum Photos competition - compare archive photos with famous paintings:
Happy that i took all the cash i had in a BES fund of funds in 2006. Just found out that that fund was investing in Madoff
Pingo Doce++ for bringing Zubrowka closer to home in such cold nights.
Ordered Gladwell's "Outliers". If you practice more than 10k hours at something you'd be above average on it. Hope it applies to everything.
External Hardrive Power Adapter FAIL. Thanks @shrike_pt for borrowing me your adapter while on vacations :)
Having fun with the New Yorker Digital Edition. All editions since 1929 online with search, Flash browsing and PDF download.
Funny thing is that the guy left me alone when i showed him that i was *actually* bringing coca with me. Coca tea :)
Back in Lisbon. No problem leaving Bogota, had an intensive search in Caracas, Military guy thought i had swallowed some white stuff.
Freakin cold in Bogota, getting ready for Lisbon weather
Back in bogota, had great steak with chilean wine after 8 hour ride across the andes.
We were more worried about two brit junkies that were always idling by the TV.
On security in Colombia. This last two nights we stayed in a room that had no lock (the last guest took the key). Nothing happened.
@pedrocs if it's for a lady, a canon, a guy a nikon. Nothing about machoness of either brand, but mostly about the grip and weight.
@pedrocs that's why i said for you to check the one that you feel more comfortable with :)
@pedrocs ladies tend to prefer the canons, they're usually lighter
@pedrocs get the one you feel more comfortable with. Both Nikon and Canon make great cameras.
Returning to Bogotá. 8 hours in a bus for a 298km ride through the Andes. Not eating much at breakfast today.
Back. Smelling like sulphur from the thermal waters. Breathing at 5000m surely is hard. But it was fun, and lots of snow.
Trekking to the Nevado Ruiz, should go up to 5200 meters high. After rainforest, Caribbean and Coffee, some snow.
The downside? The room is right next to a F**** Snooker table!


pedro figueiredo Andre Ribeirinho Bruno Pedro Nuno Barreto Teresa Pedro Custódio Gamboa Pedro Melo Biafra Nuno Nunes cneil pedro mg b.junior Pedro Leite Carlos Andrade Paula Valenca Bruno Amaral Bruno Figueiredo Mario Valente Paul Kedrosky Sérgio Tim O'Reilly Celso Martinho poingg Del Mac Paulo Querido José Alves de Castro Filipe Tavares Joao Bordalo pedro codebits valleywag Gilberto Gonçalves carlos morgado André Vitor Domingos