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Dai Qing on the Liberation of Beijing and how peaceful was it?
Technorati does not track the English-langauge blogosphere in Asia very well. One week in Paris and my authority shoots up.
@imagethief u can haz cheezburgerz in da fridge. pleze leeve da irish whiskey.
Australian couple loses their house after being served court papers via Facebook!
Interview with @gaberivera on why he started hiring humanoid editors. There is some hope for journalists
@niubi Odd photo on the page of the Rahm rumor story you just sent: Is image of Michael Sneed or is it his mother?
@rmack in the NYT on Chinese Internet cenosrship (Beiijing made the mistake of blocking her blog)
Ah, the lovely sound of Hong Kong - a drill making holes in a wall somewhere in the building. Absolutely breaks concentration every time.
A digital project to help Cambodia and Laos:
@gabemac Just posted the videoblogger from Sweden. Wicked set up!
RT @imagethief: China bans lye as a food additive. Well, that's a relief.
@chadcat @thehartworker @zhongnanhai Found my "Man with a van ready roll" for Hong Kong. HK$300 to move the bed. Mr Wong 2802-2280
RT @elizabethsosnow: 20 signs that your client is not ready for social media by @qwghlm
Scribefire update disabled uploading of images. Really frustrating. Also, their blog does not accept my comments on this for some reason
@elliottng I really don't understand the full fuss. He disclosed the payment, right? Financial Times takes payments for travel articles
Fabulous images of species unique to the Mekong river delta
@Thomas_Husson I am back in Hong Kong and preparing to leave for Thailand.
@Thomas_Husson Did you export images easily from MT to Wordpress? I had trouble going from to self-hosted.
@beijingboyce you are whupping me in this Chinalyst blog awards! Well done - so far. It is not over yet! ;-)
Jennifer Schenker, BusinessWeek European technology correspondent, decided to jump before she was pushed.