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When I say "Scroll", and your first thoughts are of an ancient papyrus text, maybe you shouldn't be on the webmaster team.
@hodgman John Hodgman linked to the Halloween Candy Code article. Score!
Oboy an office party! Break out the 20-year old Scotch tape!
What is the name of that movie where the grizzed old webmaster comes back out of retirement to stun everyone with his killer app?
These alcohol wipes are defective. The taste could use a little help too.
The Fish, CFL and Chinese herb industries are each in full CYA mode after Jeremy Piven was diagnosed with mercury poisoning.
There are no rims on this earth which will make your Prius look gangster.
In your case a nicotine patch is going to vastly out-perform any kind of age-defying skin cream.
I wonder what people are thinking when they put a "confirm email" field on forms, like I'm not C/Ving from the "email" field just above it.
Made myself and the dental assistant crack up today while I was having my teeth cleaned. "Are you trying to inflate that one?"
I keep picturing Bush practicing the folksy retelling of his assassination attempt.
Dude. If you were any more drunk, even the breathalyser would need a ride home.
Rethinking this Chinese bootleg Netflix. Just this month I've got an infected Australia, two scratched Bolts and a tainted Milk.
I guarantee there has already been a meeting at Blizzard about putting throwable shoes into the next Warcraft add-on.
Yes! Just snatched from some jerk who has been sitting on it for years.
The great thing about the Terminator franchise: the first 3 films just show the backstory on one Skywalker/Neo/McGuyver world-saving badass.
As of 11:20 Sunday, Hannah Montana is bigger than _actual_ Montana.
Today it is cold in Sacramento, therefore any theory of global warming must be false.
How many foreign objects do I need to discover before this bagel is considered foreign food?
TSA is going to catch hell for letting that guy into the news conference with his missle shoes.


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