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Currently observing how people trash a store while shopping for Christmas gifts. Kind of like a monkey in a china shop.
@dlprager correct. The last race I did was the lost souls ultra in Lethbridge, Alberta, canada. A choice of 50Km, 100Km or 100 miles.
@dlprager just keep at the running. It all pays off in the end. This comes from an ultra marathoner.
Damn the Canadian Coalition. You just cannot work together with the existing government can you. Back to the polls we go.
Merlin Mann must be pretty upset today. The guy rarely curses and today there were 2 tweets from him with profanity.
Interesting, CNN has a lot of posts on peoples thoughts regarding the auto manufactures bailouts. Most are saying, incease quality.
The auto manufacturers want bailouts as well. Fine, then work on a product that lasts and the public wants.
The world is heading for a recession. We need some regulation in the banking industry before investor confidence comes back.
Last meeting with my former employer. Suprising how it is easier to migrate companies when you've only been there for 5 years.
Wrote my resignation letter and will deliver it tomorrow. Time to lift the heart by listeniing to net @ night.
In Seatlle looking at the gray sky. Miss Calgary already as the mountains are much nicer looking then flat grey.
Attending Calgary's global fest. A chance to celebrate human rights.
Heading to Portland,OR on monday. Is there anything I should check out while I'm there? Let me know.
Suffering through a panel discussion at a conference. Wish I had a hook for the moderator so that the panel can talk and answer questions.
Getting ready for Shaw's 1st innovation mashup. At the red & white club in Calgary.
Getting my money ready for the new race next year.
Back from Tour BC and now working off the 200 emails that accumelated
Waiting at the Coca-Cola stage for Finger Eleven to start their concert at the Calgary Stampede.
Love my new cycling shoes. I'm getting addicted to carbon fiber.
Not a good combination. Stampede food and flip-flop ride. Almost lost breakfast on that one.


Jason Calacanis Veronica Belmont Tom Merritt Kevin Rose hotdogsladies amber mac David Prager MacRumorsLive Roger Chang Leo Laporte Molly Wood Septagon Studios Inc Freshbooks TWiT Live mickeychick Jarret Coon Eric Sabourin Stanley Bronstein John C. Dvorak hodgman Patrick Norton Robert Heron Neal_Berthelot womenofstrength