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Still think it's weird that I get iTunes receipts for free iPhone apps. Whatever.
Which acoustic songs should I learn to play?
Was trying to work up the motivation to go the gym, but this weather is keeping me lazy. Oh well.
@DougH: I would definitely not want a game where you put crosshairs over the president's face associated with my company. Not smart, IMO.
@jenny2003: "Silverlight" sounds like the name of a sword you'd find in Dungeons and Dragons. Or maybe the last name of an Elf.
A bit chilly in the office today.
I almost took a spill walking across Michigan Ave this morning. Really icy out.
It's 8 degrees outside, wind chill of -12. Ehhh.
If you have ten minutes to kill, this Metallica video is pretty awesome. Song's decent, too.
Lazy Sunday.
Punisher: War Zone was actually really fun. Ultra violent, over-the-top gory fun.
Got a Costco membership. Love that store.
Looks like someone screwed with the Wikipedia entry for "Quantum Physics."
As a former moped owner/rider, I got a kick out of this jam by Hollywood Holt:
@palaver: You're doing RCIA? I did that a couple of years back (before I got married). Hope it's going well for you!
If Android phones start looking this good, the iPhone is in trouble.
Okay, so this is awesome. Zombie marches in Chicago!
Utility worker who found child's remains in Fla. "picked up a bag at the site and a skull fell out." Yikes.
Why are so many medical associations based in/around Chicago? Proximity to the AMA?


Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Robert French Doug Haslam Jeremy Pepper Kevin Rose Todd Defren James Lileks Steve Rubel Phil Gomes Leticia Gomes Candice Payne John Swords Chris Thilk Bleu Caldwell Leah Jones Michael Vu Danielle Wiley Rocketboom Blagica Peter Shankman Kevin Dugan Allie Osmar Lisa Dilg Amy Guth BNO News Warren Ellis Chris Lee Brian Wood Amanda Mooney Mark Ragan danielle morrill Kevin Harriss David Parrish. Gary Karr Anita Campbell