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I'm just about ready to give away my car right now so I don't have to park it.
(continued from last post)...grabbing whatever parts they can and hoping it's pleasurable." http://elapsedtime.blogspot...
Quoting @hunterwalk's blog: "Social media and large brands are like amorous naked blindfolded lovers...(continued)
@johnbattelle absolutely; I no longer check RSS ever and just add feeds via twitter...can't explain why, just switched over one day
@jamescham got it, where's the second link?
Open memo to Bi-rite market: closing at 8pm on Sunday is not cool.
Pats games attended up until this year: 1 Pats games attended this year (living in SF): 2
@hunterwalk must be my lack of attendance! Not gonna make it today, headed out to oakland to watch pats-raiders.
@ggupta just told me that he "doesn't know how to tweet"
Misled by Gidney as to location of Asqew, grabbing sandwich at Pluto's instead.
Whoever designed the interface for the Pioneer DEH-P7000BT car radio should be publicly flogged.
#addoncon @AdamWhitney it's the only place to be
I'm realizing that Cooliris is the google of the add-on marketplace. #addoncon
#add-on-con panelist "asking us how scalable the add-on business is like asking Microsoft in 1980 how scalable personal computers are"
#add-on-con question suggested an app store for add-ons...great idea, but will people pay?
At add-on-con - love the live twitter feed
Clarification: WordPress the product definitely has heat; office space though definitely needs a furnace
True Ventures: Heat :: WordPress: Not so much
What is this #andyasks thing that everyone is doing? Did I miss a memo somewhere?
Which will end first: the recession or the construction on the 101?


hunterwalk Alex Bain Jamie Thingelstad CNN Breaking News brickermc raanan Charles Hudson Michael Arrington Erica Olsen Fred Wilson Alex Ferrara Peter Mike Dudas Alec Detwiler prewett Chester Ng David Vivero valleywag jamescham Armando Mann Karim R. Lakhani etheline Phil Michaelson Anne Hubert beccabrie etxeba Sumner Paine kevingough AlainChuard meghani She-Rae Chen Matthew Witheiler craignewmark newscred ggupta1 John Battelle