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Still proud to be an American, but a little less proud to be a Californian today.
@webb nobody is more Berkeley than Berkeley. Staying up and still hoping that 8 goes down in flames.
Imagining what it will be like to have a president who speaks English.
Saw John Lewis on TV and told son about listening to Dr .King's I have a dream speech on my father's shoulders nr. Lincoln Memorial. Cried.
Thank you Obama volunteers (especially family members). I cherish my "Another Bishop for Obama" pin.
I'm so proud to be an American. So long since I felt I could say that.
I haven't felt so hopeful in a long time. But holding my breath until all the votes are counted.
Watching the debate with my son at Berkley's Hillside Club, thanks to @raines
@mmasnick next week would work. I'm in San Mateo, nr. College of San Mateo. Email is -- give me a buzz
@mmasnick I'll take you out to lunch -- I'm working near Techdirt World HQ these days.
@evanwolf are you sure you should be twittering after crawling through 4 bars?
@timoreilly Prof life changed big time after last bust Went to Etech (at big discount, tx) got involved in FOSS software for politics.
Listened to Tim Brays FOWA talk tonight. As a scarred veteran of the last bust, I agree with his prognosis and advice.
Only in Berkeley -- Friday's Yom Kippur services included a long story by the rabbi about what the Buddha said about loss.
@maryhodder happy birthday - you make berkeley and tech brighter.
@kevanho pass along our congratulations to Jenny. P.S. Pix were great. Love A & M photo.
Pete Rates the Propositions by @pstahl is up, big help for us early voters.
@chuboy whatcha been up to? give me a buzz sometime.
But need to turn twitter off again, and dive back into my work hole. Hope someday @kathysierra explains why changed mind re twitter curve.
Great weekend. Really enjoyed Wordcamp, seeing inspiring preso by @kathysierra (and getting a chance to day hi) and turning twitter back on.


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams rabble kellan Blaine Cook Josh Kopelman Jason Shellen Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross Nitin Borwankar David Ulevitch peterme Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Rob Hayes Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Dylan Tweney john curley Cameron Walters George Kelly Christine Herron lane Stewart Butterfield Thor Muller Ruby Sinreich l.m. orchard Beth Kanter Heath Row Ryan Stewart Brian Solis Joshua Levy
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