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@AmberSafa Don't know Zoe Bartlett. Is she one of the new switchboard girls? If so, I should say hello. It's helpful for getting calls thru.
@AprilBraswell I suppose you're right. I wanted to like football. Perhaps if we had gone to a live game I'd feel differently. But maybe not.
@winemedineme I'd rather read a book than watch football. But I didn't mind doing it with my co-workers. Socializing is part of the job.
@ken_cosgrove Thanks for the offer, but I think watching an entire football game @Sal_Romano's house convinced me I'm not a sports fan.
@sabbatical Of course. I believe it's important to stay connected with friends. I spend enough time alone as it is. I should get out more.
@sabbatical I never break bonds with friends. But I didn't realize we were. It is a two-way street, you know. We can start over if you want.
@Marcie_McBain Yes, Kurt and I are still friends. But he has a close-knit group of friends here in the city. I'm not part of that group.
@EvilPRGuy I'm in a good mood. I could see Mingus at the Five Spot. I'll be tired tomorrow, but all I really have to do is help Ma cook.
@EvilPRGuy I've been to the Village. I don't know if I'd live there, but I like visiting. Join us at the Cedar for a sidecar, if you want.
@ProfOrganizer You have such good advice. That's a smart idea. I'll do that before the Christmas holiday.
@EvilPRGuy I'm sorry I didn't get your message earlier. We went to the Cedar. I don't come to places like this often, but it's interesting.
@UniqueFashion It's nice not to work once in awhile. Don't you agree? Goodness knows, I spend plenty of time at Sterling Cooper.
@Sal_Romano Sure. Let's have a cocktail. Everyone seems to be in a festive mood. Let's go someplace special.
@josephaldrich You were the only one who told me I should stay. But I think I've been here long enough now.
@chipnicodemus You're right. Almost everyone else is gone. I could go home and help Ma with the baking tonight. Though I'd rather go out.
Looking forward to the holiday. Looks like everyone here at Sterling Cooper is leaving early today. Don't know if I should or not.
@lksugarman Between my family and work, there's not time for much else. @Don_Draper hasn't been in much lately. That means more work for me.
@ken_cosgrove I think I'll wait until dinner to drink anymore. The Prosecco was nice. That's enough for now.
@harrycrane Yes, where is @Paul_Kinsey? I thought he was coming. Where is Kitty, @Sal_Romano? I thought she would be here too.
@coyotesqrl I don't know what that means. But I guess I'll find out once I'm in a room full of guys watching football. It's a new experience


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