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If you haven't already, check out the new #blogcarolinas Gogle Group.
#blogcarolinas Upcoming for Session 5: Room A - "10 minute strategy", Room C - Video
#blogcarolinas We're part of real life community as well as online.
#blogcarolinas Donating excess lunch food to Raleigh Rescue Mission and Love Always Wins. @glowbird driving the food to pickup point.
#blogcarolinas attendees: need some additional topic ideas. What do y'all want to talk about?
Session 3 in room E will be on Twitter. Session 3 in room C will be about Data Privacy. Make plans now, peeps!
Second session starting now; get in early and get by a power outlet!!
First sessions starting to wrap up, people gathering in the atrium. Lots of conversations going on all around.
#blogcarolinas First sessions now underway
To see what the seesions are and who's leading them, go to the wiki:
Open Sessions are for you! You get to decide what it is, and maybe you will be the one to lead it!
#blogcarolinas central gathering underway in the atrium
Meebo chatroom, links and notes here: http://blogcarolinas.pbwiki...
#blogcarolinas getting underway. Lots of participants arriving
@leewhite is heading out to Sigma XI today at 3:00 to check out set up. Could use a couple of helpers. DM leewhite if interested.
testing out something, please ignore
Crap! looks like rain for Friday...Oh Well
I have also restructured so we will have more "BarCamp" style open sessions, so be thinking of session topics you would like to see.
Still need some volunteer help on the front desk and in the Learning Lab.
Just two days away, are you ready for #blogcarolinas?