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I don't love starbucks, and I don't love coffee, but the Gold card gives you 2 free hours of wi fi per day ... that totally seems worth $25
@kevinrose ... @energyfiends is total spam, check out their page
Centro claus is waaay creepy. Thanks palm!
@willpate ... Person of the Year doesn't have to be a "good" person ... see 1939: Hitler
Favorite troll handle of the week "Richard Lotion"
Korean taco experiment successful, verdict: very tasty and very filling, note: 4 is too many for one man
@mcnitt I'd ask around and see how strictly they actually enforce, I've heard most co's are pretty lenient
Any of my twits at Santa con?
having flashbacks of meeting Majel Barrett-Roddenberry
Dear US Govt, please bail out NPR instead ... thank you
for you bacon and cheese lovers:
@yinsanity you are an efficient tweeter, two replies in under 140 chars? amazing!
Devising a plan to make my own Korean tacos before Tuesday
@evisillin actually I've been told that you smell burning feathers ... smelling poop is a personal problem ^_^
installing merb
Staring at paper instead of a screen
either I'm having a stroke, or it suddenly smells like poo in here
"You're like a poorer, nicer Chuck Bass"


Biz Stone Evan Williams Buzz Andersen Mr Messina Scott Beale Justine Jason Hoffman MJ christa wittmier John Gruber Charles Adler John Manoogian III Rishabh Kumar Andrew Mager Alcor Kevin Rose David Weekly Ivy hotdogsladies LoHtas Will Pate Brandon Chalk Scott Simpson Gina Trapani Wil Wheaton Angie Chang Brian McNitt esther park Remember The Milk Tim O'Reilly Adam Lisagor Wil Shipley Nick Gonzalez Matt Carr ryaaaaaan Wil
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