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@dudeman plenty of cars sliding around in West Seattle yesterday. TONS. And busses.
OH: "baby alpaca yarn is soft. It's the veal of the yarn world."
At C&P Coffee watching live bluegrass. 3 people in the crowd are knitting, including my wife!
@mckoss And the real estate issues are real, while my theory that our gov't will print us to significant devaluation is just a theory.
@mckoss True-- w/ currency devaluation (driving up ALL prices) and real estate 'sploding (driving DOWN home prices), it's a fun race!
Theory: Buy a house (or gold) Gov't prints money (lots). Money becomes devalued. Housing prices go up with everything else. Thoughts?
Tremendous suck-- the cottage we'd rented for Xmas in Leavenworth had double-booked and punted us.
at Smarty Pants in Georgetown. They are playing Quiet Riot. Rock!
Wow-- Some of the best advice I've read on web startups (from the founder of a social network for dog lovers)
@marinamartin naw, camera has built in wifi-- not in the (easier to lose) memory card.
Apple really ought to make an iCamera. Digital Camera UI is pretty weak. I could use some touchscreen goodness.
Switching to Picasa from Flickr because my new digital camera can talk directly to it over wi-fi. Now I have to figure out how to migrate!
Brian Sez- "I will be happy when someone writes the 'RescueTime for Dummies'" book.
@npost When a woman steps out of line, sometimes ya just gotta.
Should I go to Seattle Startup Weekend? I have the same gripe as with 6HS: an 80%+ chance I do painfully rushed UX work on an idea I hate.
@girlkate rain and 30MPH winds projected for this afternoon. Frisbee gods say NO. Emphatically.
RT from @unclespeedo "holy shit, according to I am a fucking computer loving nerd loser!" Bwahaha!
@calbucci I would like to take advantage of the unpaid sponsorship of Seattle 2.0. Where do I sign up?! :-)
@dmullaney Thanks for the RescueTime kudos! We've got lots of cool stuff in the pipeline-- would love to run them by you sometime.
@changeinlat Ahhh, cool! Could I talk you into forwarding the newsletter to webwright@gmail ? I'll sign up in the meantime.


Chris Sacca Lee LeFever Marina Martin Joshua Maher Nivi Steve Rubel David Mullaney Tiffehr Robby Macdonell Brian Fioca Dave Schappell Carolynn Duncan andrew mason Mike Koss Jamie Quint Morgan Schweers Ethan Herdrick Ryan Kuykendall Alan Vanessa Fox todd sawicki Henry Work Brian Dorsey christian anderson Otis Mark Maunder Galen Ward John Li Dharmesh Shah Mikhail Seregine Ivan Kirigin T.A. McCann Justin Laing Nathan Kaiser joe heitzeberg