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@editblog that "Media Offline" graphic is my second most dreaded FCP thing after the Blue Bar of Death. And the beachball.
three days of xmas food and booze have conspired to get me up at 5 am, mouth tasting like a salt lick. Operation Cocoon begins now.
I live a block from players chophouse and never ate here until now. Holy crap this meal is good.
@brianleroux @camcavers my Twitter profile is worth $184. Don't know what I think about that. Or how they even came to that number.
Science returns to the White House, thank frak...
@mezzoblue we got the power flickr, but we're still good electrics wise.
hot tub in the middle of the afternoon..self-employment FTW!
@mary13 does "special" mean "meth lab"? :)
@camcavers if you do take the windows in mac plunge I say VMWare Fusion...happy customer here.
birthday dinner last night thanks to @mel_something and dinner at Player's Chophouse tonight thanks to her visiting sister and hubby. Woot!
Robocop retold in rap form. Genius.
@brianleroux we gotta be careful though, we may split open the space time continuum and unleash a torrent of funky rainbow colored jive.
@gillianshaw I don't even buy gifts anymore. My whole family sends gift certificates to each other.
@brianleroux use a fax machine. Everyone knows its just a waffle iron and a phone. Reverse engineer that bad boy!
@brianleroux @ianivs @mezzoblue if the debauched meanderings that go on in my head near-constantly get out in image form, I'm sunk :)
@Hez the first day back from NYC is always teh suck :) "Oh, yeah..quiet, green.....yeah, great...ummm, yeah (cries)" :)
@gillianshaw new job in Burnaby I think, he'll be QA. So not quite the same deal. Though one of his friends got laid off then rehired.
@benjaminluk Will do, I'm always up for making a promo video. Speaking of which, finally hoping to get some time for Pia vid this weekend.


Xeni Jardin Mack D. Male Kent Tris Hussey Clive Thompson xnoɹǝʃ uɐıɹq Craig Saila Roland Tanglao Joi Ito Daniel Bell hotdogsladies nick bouton Kathleen Moynahan Joni Rustulka Adam Christianson Dave Shea Tanya Israel Hyman Ianiv Schweber David Drucker Sarah Lane The @w00d John Biehler Evan Haveman Kevin Chuka Doug Kaye Rebecca Bollwitt Greg Andrews Bruce Sterling Joey deVilla johnfoster Darren Rowse Jordan Behan Wil Wheaton Tim Bray
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