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New blog post: Chickybabe For The Holiday Shorts
I so need some alone time with Mel in a household many people.
Oh look. I'm online. Oh look. 15 emails and 335 feeds to sift through and it's the weekend.
New blog post: Beach, Booze and Bikinis
@Suanie Maybe they needed to feed the office cat?
New blog post: New WordPress 2.7 Features That Casual Users Might Miss
24 hours till Mel and I leave for my hometown on a tropical island with a beach. You can't get anymore classier a vacation than that.
Ebola in pigs. In Phillipines. That's a scary predicament.
@Gnorb Stand under a tree. It'll protect you from wait. Ok then don't go out in the rain then. :P
@Gnorb One of the joys of rain is that you can go outside and dance in it. Sing! Sing I tells ya!
Finished updating all the WordPress blogs I maintain to version 2.7 save for 2. The wonders of SSH based SVN updates.
Finished updating all the blogs I maintain save for 2. The wonders of SSH based SVN updates.
New blog post: WordPress 2.7 And Why You Should Upgrade Now
Live blog updated to WordPress 2.7. Everything working smoothly. Now food first. Full details later on my blog.
All problems fixed in sandbox. At the very least, make sure you deactivate ALL admin plugins before upgrading to WordPress 2.7. New Admi ...
Accidentally borked my sandbox WordPress. Take note kiddies. This is why you should never update your life blog without having tested it ...
Wordpress 2.7 is now out. Can't update my live blog yet. A few niggling issues to fix in my sandbox before I do a full upgrade.
"Metrosexuality" has nothing to with having sex with buses. Haha!
@Jump4jay I watch Sarah Connor Chronicles. It's good. Well. It's got Summer Glau. That alone is worth it.


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