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ughhh still soo sick.
@almostfoodies i think i'm a little better today. i braved the outside world and went to whole foods for some soup.
@Leikeli thanks honey. i look forward to looking through your photos!
@TaylorKarras I'm not too sure, but seven hours in the ER getting poked and prodded and tested probably helped me over the hump.
Still feeling like I shouldn't be alive. This came out of nowhere. :(
@Leikeli @Bookworm @bitchinmona @ChrissyStoddard thks for the love. drs put me on a drip and ran tests, couldn't figure out what was wrong.
In the hospital. Kinda scared. :(
Going to make dumplings now.
I'm amazing, d'ya get the memo? My grand anthro theory: we cling to culinary stereotypes b/c we crave the exoticism of a different foodway.
Why does Biggest Loser own me? Why? WHY?! *lameass 10*
@jonsinger also, i never remember to get those damned cookies. i suppose they're gone now.
@jonsinger omg. why are you still awake?!
"i know this is open to the public but this isn't for just anyone. I don't know anyone here. This IS a harvard thing supposedly."
You know. I totally remember why I hate Harvard folks and why I turned down the acceptance. Egomaniacal assholes.
I have more errands to run than I have time to run them.
@THE_REAL_SHAQ how do you decided if someone's done less than someone else? doesn't it all depend on how you measure what you've done?
if i click my heels together, what are the odds I'll be home?
I'm disgusting! I can't believe myself. I'm crying over The Hills. God help me, I'm the biggest loser in the world. Viva LC.
tummy ache pain.


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