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opening speaker was Robrt Kiyosaki. Always enjoy hearing him, but he only spoke about 30 min.
At the Growth 2.0 Conference presented by at the Long Beach Convention Center.
@Stammy Dude... are you drunk?
@abduzeedo The gottagettofowa song... IT SUCKS. Hate to say it. Too bad for them because I think the idea was good.
@NaorSuky Guys... honestly, I think your idea is great and I'm all for it. BUT... the song... um, not very good. :(
Told @NaorSuky they need to add at least a sample of their song to their site. They said they're working on it and will tweet us when avail
@amuse so stop wasting time. :)
@NaorSuky It would help if we could at least hear a sample of the song on your website. Is that a possibility?
@abduzeedo It would help if they let us hear the song first.
@sreejithrk Hey bud. Don't mean to ask again, but how's it going on the logo?
@Stammy R U Serious? Makes no sense at all. So what happens to those that fail exams?
@amuse nice, but wonder what it would like if you capitalized Seven and Layer.
Just installed TwitterBerry on my Blackberry... Uh oh!
Help! Difference between asking price & sold price minus penalty fee from original asking price..? Excel Formula?
Crap! Sometimes I hate MS Excel!
@WarrenWhitlock lol... too deep for me, but I get where you're going.
@WarrenWhitlock C'mon Warren... a life changing experience EVERY DAY..?


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