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I wish I could have just one more Christmas that felt as great as when I was a child. As the years go by it's feeling more like a chore.
@andreakw I organized one once when an old client had a fancy party in a far flung location and didn't invite everyone we wanted to.
if I skip school now I don't get paid so I arrive on time for once
day 3 in school - stuck inside for 9 more weeks! Arhggg..
"For Those About To Rock, We Salute You" you know who you are
You want statistics? 65.7% of my tweets used all 140 characters! I would guess that the statistical average of followers who care is lower
survived Day1 of hanging around a school which even has the same name as my old one. Lots of spooky corridors and mystery rooms to explore.
Parking spot with my name on it is a big difference from the last time I was in a school
waiting to start day1 of a new job which is an old school - creepy
waiting to start day1 of a new job which is in old school -creepy feeling
This is one of those wtf arty videos that leaves you with more questions than it answers (birds, mice and mirrors)
Eating McVitie's cookies from England. "HobNobs" if you must know, along with some German beer - "Aventinus Eisbock". What are you eating?
@bre I use the email option to upload all my pictures to Flickr - that way there is another copy saved in my 'sent folder' for free backup
going for lunch at the 'Mutant Mall' probably because I Iove the Japanese candy store there..... Not probably, I love foreign candy treats.
@andreakw Being freelance means about 99% of the time. In fact, lazy indifferent pretenders keep me busy!
Reading my last Tweet back one might think it was "National Self-Loathing Day" already. (That day is not until next week)
dreading Christmas, New Years and soon a new client who will have me trapped for 50 hours a week with a long commute. Happy Festivus
I really like 'Arianna Huffington' but hearing her on a TV in the next room, I picture 'Zsa Zsa Gabor' with John Stewart on the Daily Show
@andreakw I am frequently amazed at despicable people I know becoming parents - it is hard to watch their innocent kids grow up around that
@sdddlt YouTube's elite private security force is probably flying in black helicopters over Germany looking for your computer. Destroy it!


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