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Lots of code to write today! But lots of interruptions too :-(
back home in Chi after a good thanksgiving in VT.
getting ready for Qigong and Kung Fu tonight... then early flight to Vermont.
@al3x file vault wasn't very fun for me, so i just wiped my drive and reinstalled osx (it was gonna be a huge pain to disable it)
Feeling shitty, and have to wait til 9:45 for our soccer game... hopefully I'll get more coding done tomorrow.
getting ready for a soccer game
monday, monday, monday.
watching chick flicks with the wife.
Happy Veterans Day!
Wish some of my coworkers would be happy that we advanced HUMANITY last night... a world changing event...
Tired from the party...but well worth it.
Wow...Grant Park was THE SHIT... millions all celebrating together...we made history.
not only are there thousands and thousands of people walking by my building... there are about 50 street vendors
uh, yah, misplaced words... totally sweet outside right now, tens of thousands of supporters already chilling on michigan ave
holy SHIT is right outside my building TOTALLY FRICKIN SWEET right now... streets closed, thousands of obama supporters all decked out
Took 90 minutes to vote with huge lines... I would have stood there all day... GO VOTE
Vote obama... don't assume anything is a done deal... VOTE
WOW... downtown Chicago is a GIANT cluster fuck... Obamapalooza has begun!
still sitting in training for the Wombat messaging api... trying to fix bugs and listen at the same time
in a class learning about market data APIs