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Ojn the train home after a long day at work and the company holiday party. No crazieness, really tame. Had a good time.
@jpdefillippo My bike is in the garage :( just watching the drifting snow this morning instead of riding.
Riding the train home, taking some pain killers, then heading to band practice.
Trying to thaw out. I want to move somewhere warm. It's way to freakin cold out.
Grabbing some grub.
Listening to black flag on the train home.
Woke up this morning with a new feeling of hope. My 8 year old son asked who won. I said Obama and he said "YEA! That's good". Smart kid.
McCain was pretty classy with that. I like how he seemed almost ashamed of his followers booing Obama.
Thank you USA... I have hope now. I was getting ready to seriously looking into moving to France.
My Songbird tweets... Orange Goblin - Time Travelling Blues
My Songbird tweets... Orange Goblin - One Room, One Axe, One Outcome
Heading home for dinner. 13 years married today. :)
Is it just me or do other people think it's ignorant to paint your nails while riding an hour long train ride. My head is pounding now.
My songbird is tweeting ... bad things - jace everett
My songbird is tweeting ... Butterflies - Crimpshrine
My songbird is tweeting ... Verses - Russian Circles
My songbird is tweeting ... Lady North - These Arms Are Snakes
My songbird is tweeting ... Elise - The Arrivals


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