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Are there any good cooking schools in the# LA area, lazyweb? DM please if you have suggestions(for a friend)
Mark Cuban: What Yahoo! should do
OH: "I went to Iraq & all I got was this lousy shoe."--
Made 1 batch of the marmalade, processing the 2nd now. Lime-ginger next.
Holidays 2009--look back at 2008
Women in Business | Make your Dreams Come True with Mirassou
Feminist Media in a Time of Economic Trouble | The American Prospect
Women in Business | Wine Etiquette, Pairing, and Wine List Tips
planning to make 3 fruit marmalade & a blueberry/lemon/almond jam this am for friends for the holidays; we have dozens of jars & fruit!
Sex, Yes...but just let me finish this post
@ryankuder, @outlawdiva, on friendfeed & FB, @winstonthedog tweets do show up as mine, LOL
Food democracy & a sustainable USDA-did you know there is a petition? I just signed. http://www.fooddemocracynow...
@hardaway, that was so fun! loved meeting you,look forward to lots more. And yes, we were the hipsters among the velvet headbands.
@hardaway..mission st garage 5th + Mission..three blockd away
about to meet @hardaway, room filled with xmas holly, glasses of wine. Nice. Sigh.
Google didn't buy the New York Times in 2006, will they now?
heading to sf,meeting @hardaway later today. excited.
RT @spencerante: Quote do jour on Yahoo from one of fav sources: "Pretty soon the janitor is going to run #Yahoo."


Biz Stone Josh Kopelman Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Mary Hodder Ross Joe Lazarus tedr Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh gaba Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Dave Morin Jackson West Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Christine Herron lane judith Sooz Adam Kazwell Scott Fred Oliveira Scott Hussein Rafer Ruby Sinreich Megan McCarthy Dean Landsman Edward Vielmetti
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